Student Wellbeing

St Aloysius Catholic Primary School in Queenscliff is a Catholic school community where Gospel values and Catholic traditions are nurtured in a caring and supportive environment. By focussing on the person of Jesus, we endeavour to empower the individual to give witness to their faith through their words and actions, in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance.
We foster quality relationships amongst staff, students and parents. We promote a respectful, secure and healthy environment that is conducive to learning and enhances a sense of belonging, whilst demonstrating a caring concern for the wellbeing of everyone.
Wellbeing refers to students’ physical, social, spiritual and emotional development. These elements are integral to learning. A supportive positive learning environment contributes to the development of a student’s sense of self-worth, enthusiasm for learning and optimism for the future. The wellbeing program is structured around the implementation of a Social/Emotional learning strategy which includes such programs as:
Restorative practices
Circle Time
Personalised Learning Plans for Students
Program Support Group meetings for parents and staff
Student Action Teams
Buddy Program
Student Leadership Opportunity
Orientation to school (for new Preps)
Transition to Secondary School (for Year 6)
Lunchtime clubs
Horizons of Hope
eXcel documents
Berry Street (P - 6 resilience program)